Bachelor of Science in Accounting Online

Prepare to become a licensed professional with the B.S. in Accounting degree program, which includes courses on managing accounts as well as other crucial business concepts.

Apply By 4/22/25
Start Class 5/19/25 Apply Now
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Program Overview

Prepare to manage big business with a bachelor’s in accounting online

Become a top candidate for business management roles when you earn a Bachelor of Science in Accounting online. Though the curriculum focuses deeply on accounting, other business topics such as analytics, finance, and economics are also covered, leading you to become a more well-rounded applicant in the workforce. Plus, our courses contribute to the 150 hours required for the Certified Public Accountant Exam, which can help you become a top jobs candidate.

All classes are taught completely online by qualified professors, and curriculum focuses heavily on ensuring that you will be able to measure, process, and interpret business accounting information. Our goal is to prepare you for successfully managing top organizations. This program also offers multiple start dates and 7-week accelerated courses, making it ideal for working students ready to pursue licensure now.

As a graduate of this online bachelor’s, you will be prepared to:

  • Understand accounting data analysis and its use within the framework of various business models in accordance with modern management theory
  • Understand and perform balance-sheet-based financial statement analysis 
  • Understand and apply the concepts of compliance-related activities as driven by regulatory change
  • Understand accounting principles and the business concepts of bond valuation, dividends, retained earnings, and stocks
  • Understand and apply the concepts of financial statement analysis in accounting with respect to liquidity, profitability, and effective risk assessment processes.
  • Understand the impact of debt vs. equity capitalization decisions, interest rates, taxation, net income management, and maximizing shareholder value
  • Understand accounting data analysis and its use within the framework of various business models in accordance with modern management theory
  • Understand and perform balance-sheet-based financial statement analysis 
  • Understand and apply the concepts of compliance-related activities as driven by regulatory change
  • Understand accounting principles and the business concepts of bond valuation, dividends, retained earnings, and stocks
  • Understand and apply the concepts of financial statement analysis in accounting with respect to liquidity, profitability, and effective risk assessment processes.
  • Understand the impact of debt vs. equity capitalization decisions, interest rates, taxation, net income management, and maximizing shareholder value

Career opportunities in accounting:

  • Accountant
  • Financial Manager
  • Budget Analyst
  • Credit Analyst
  • Tax Preparer
  • Financial Specialist
  • Financial Examiner
  • Tax Examiner
  • Payroll Clerk
  • Accountant
  • Financial Manager
  • Budget Analyst
  • Credit Analyst
  • Tax Preparer
  • Financial Specialist
  • Financial Examiner
  • Tax Examiner
  • Payroll Clerk

Also Available:

The Mount has multiple undergraduate degree programs online. Explore all of our online bachelor’s degrees.

Per Credit Hour $324
Transfer Credits Up to 90
Credit Hours 126


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Accreditation Body Long Curabitur lobortis enim ante, eu egestas dui consectetur et. Donec mollis, ante id tempus elementum, purus felis placerat nunc, vitae ultricies arcu nunc eu est. Suspendisse sit amet venenatis leo. Vestibulum tincidunt, ex ac blandit tincidunt, arcu nunc congue orci, non sodales nisi diam ut nulla.

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Ranked #1 in “Top Performers on Social Mobility” in U.S. News & World Report’s Regional Colleges in the North Rankings, 2025.


Learn how affordable our tuition is for you

At the University of Mount Saint Vincent, we are committed to providing a high-quality education for less than you would expect. Tuition for the Bachelor of Science in Accounting is affordable and can easily fit into your budget.

Tuition Breakdown

Per Credit Hour $324
Per Course $972


Don’t miss the next deadline

The B.S. in Accounting online is designed with working adults in mind. We offer multiple start dates and faster course completion time to help you earn your degree when it’s convenient for you.

TermStart DateApp DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition DeadlineClass End DateTerm Length
Spring 23/24/253/12/253/16/253/20/253/21/255/11/257 weeks
Summer 15/19/254/22/254/22/254/28/255/15/257/6/257 weeks

Now Enrolling

Apply By 4/22/25
Start Class 5/19/25

Ready to take the next steps toward earning your online degree?

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How you can get started on your accounting bachelor’s degree online

The streamlined admission process at the University of Mount Saint Vincent makes it easier to apply and helps you start your academic journey faster. Please read the full admission requirements for the accounting bachelor’s degree online.

Admission Requirements

  • No ACT/SAT scores required
  • Transfer up to 90 credit hours
  • GPA of 2.0 or higher

You must meet the following requirements for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Accounting online program:

  • Completed application for admission
  • Official transcripts from all previous institutions attended
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 on 4.0 scale
  • First-time freshman must be out of high school for two years

Official transcripts and other documents should be sent from the granting institutions to our Office of Admissions:

Email address: [email protected]

Mail address:
Office of Admission
University of Mount Saint Vincent
6301 Riverdale Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471

Admission Requirements

  • No ACT/SAT scores required
  • Transfer up to 90 credit hours
  • GPA of 2.0 or higher


See our diverse Bachelor of Science in Accounting courses

For the B.S. in Accounting online, you must complete 39 credit hours of core business courses and 30 credit hours of core accounting courses. 48 credit hours of Core Curriculum and elective credits will be required to complete the 120-credit BS degree. You may transfer up to 90 approved credit hours to decrease cost and time to completion.

Students must complete the following courses.

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is a course in management designed as part of the University's Core curriculum. It is an introduction to the principles of business management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling of businesses. The course combines the traditional management process approach with contemporary systems and behavioral approaches.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is a course in marketing designed as part of the University’s Core Curriculum. The course is a study of the basic principles and concepts in the marketing process, the techniques of market research, and the function of advertising in business operations, the role it plays in the economy, as well as a consideration of the sociological and ethical aspects of current practices.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to the concepts and applications of business analytics. Most companies today collect an overwhelming amount of data. However, gaining insight from analytics continues to elude many organizations. Business analytics requires individuals to be knowledgeable in the fundamentals of business (e.g. knowing the right questions to ask) as well as an array of disciplines from information systems, machine learning, and statistics. To help meet the market demand for analytics professionals, this course provides students with an analytical toolset that enables them to address data-driven business problems. The course features case studies and hands-on approaches to demonstrate the analytics concepts and techniques used in the business world. The course makes use of the leading business analytics tools: R and R Studio. We discuss supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques for predictive and descriptive analytics.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Business and econometric modeling techniques are examined through the use of Windows-based microcomputer spreadsheet construction and analysis. Emphasis is placed upon practical application in the business environment. Topics include inventory simulation, capital budgeting, decision analysis, break-even analysis, database management and record keeping, and single and multiple linear regression analysis (3 credits).
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, terminology, and principles of the American legal system. Topics include: civil dispute resolution, constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, intentional torts, negligence, introduction to contracts, mutual assent, illegal bargains, contract in writing, contract remedies, performance, breach and discharge.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an overview of commercial law with emphasis on the law of contracts, sales, property, partnerships and corporations, commercial paper, secured transactions, bankruptcy and protection of intellectual property.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is a survey of computer information systems and how they relate to administration and management in the modern business organization. Topics include choosing the right system for the office environment, site selection and preparation, types of software and their applications, integration of hardware and software, networking techniques and theory, centralized versus decentralized and networked information systems, network topologies, information location and retrieval through the Internet and the World Wide Web, message exchanging through email, message privacy techniques incorporating public key/private key encryption, and emerging trends in information systems.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course explores the major theories and applications that explain international business transactions and the institutions influencing those activities. It studies the social, cultural, political and regulatory environments within which international business transactions take place; the foreign exchange systems which facilitate or constrain such transactions; and the dynamics of international business government relationships.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is a survey of frequently used stochastic and deterministic quantitative methodologies used in the management of business organizations and the allocation of scarce resources. Topics and applications include linear programming with graphical and simplex solving, transportation, transshipment, assignment, network models, project management techniques, inventory theory, simulation, queuing, forecasting, and decision theory. Computer-based software tools for management decision-making are integral to the course.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, practices, terminologies, and theories of financial management. It provides an overview of financial management as central to the operation of a business enterprise: planning the firm’s needs for funds, selecting the least costly source and allocating their use to maximize value of owner’s investment. Topics include: ratio analysis of financial statements, yield curves and rates of return, and the measurement of the risk of financial assets.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an examination of the principles of personnel administration and processes of recruitment, placement, development, evaluation, compensation, and effective utilization of the firm’s human resources. Case studies are utilized.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is a capstone course for seniors in the business program. The course provides a framework for problem identification and strategy formation within organizations. Emphasis will be placed on the interplay of judgment and decision making, the use of both qualitative and quantitative factors in policy formulation and execution and the impact of social and moral values. The course provides an opportunity for students to integrate and apply previously acquired knowledge in the areas of accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and management. Utilizes the case approach as well as readings from other disciplines.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
The course introduces the student to the basic economic principles and analytical techniques that are necessary to understand how the market economy functions and what market efficiency means. It explains why the government intervenes and how such intervention affects the market. It focuses on the study of the behavior of individual economic units, which include consumers, investors, business firms, workers, and other entities that play a role in the functioning of the economy. The course examines how and why these units make economic decisions, and how they interact to form larger units — markets and industries. As an introductory course, it is designed to equip the students with the basic tools of economic analysis that will help them understand better the world we live in.

Students must complete the following courses. 

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to the financial accounting process: measuring, processing, interpreting and using accounting information for business decision-making. It examines the principles and methods of financing business organizations and evaluating internal control problems. It discusses the concepts and analytical techniques applicable to identifying and solving financial management problems.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of financial information used by management to plan, evaluate, and control within an organization, and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. The course introduces the student to the preparation of financial reports for non-managerial groups such as shareholders, creditors, regulatory agencies, and tax authorities.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an in-depth study of financial accounting principles and recording procedures. It includes the evaluation and preparation of financial statements including the statements of income and retained earnings, and the balance sheet. It covers the analysis of financial statement components, issues of valuation and form.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an in-depth study of accounting procedures and systems related to a firm’s financial structure and the issuing and evaluation of corporate securities. It examines the more detailed aspects of the firm’s income statement such as earnings per share and its presentation to the firm’s income statement, the preparation of cash flow statements, and the analysis of financial statements.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is concerned with theory and problems of federal income taxes as applied to individuals and corporations. It examines the fundamental concepts of the federal income taxation stature. More specifically, it focuses on the U.S. internal revenue code for individuals, and how lawyers and legal institutions have interpreted the statute over time.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines how managerial accounting information is utilized within an organization for planning, control, motivation, and decision-making. It focuses on cost information: the accumulation of costs within organizations, the use of costs for planning and control, cost allocation, and the identification of relevant costs for decision-making. It examines various cost accounting systems, including job, prices and standard cost systems and budgeting techniques.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to the basic principles of auditing: planning an audit, gathering evidence, testing internal controls and account balances, audit sampling, creation of audit work papers and audit reports. It provides practical experience using computer-assisted audit techniques and examines the ethical conduct and liability of auditors.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course reviews the complete accounting cycle learned in basic accounting. The course deals with specialized topics associated with the work of an accountant. They include: uncollectible accounts, the handling of plant assets, promissory notes, deferrals and accruals, and accounting control systems. It also introduces techniques used in the interpretation of financial statements and trends in the financial statements of firms which are not always readily available from financial statements.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces students to research of current issues in accounting using various online databases. Special emphasis is placed on research techniques using the Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) database, and those of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board. The course prepares students for the new computerized format of the uniform CPA examination.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This is a second course in financial theory, this course examines problems, procedures, and concepts utilized in managing the assets and liabilities of the corporation. Emphasizing analytical approaches and financial theory, the topics covered include: control of the firm’s financial structure, capital budgeting, risk analysis, the theory of valuation for corporate securities, dividend policies and long-term financing options (3 credits).

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