Master of Business Administration in Risk Management Online

Equip yourself with the analytical knowledge and skills to identify risks and threats to your organization and turn them into opportunities for business growth.

Apply By 4/22/25
Start Class 5/19/25 Apply Now
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Program Overview

Focus on your future with the MBA in Risk Management online

Discover how to identify liabilities and mitigate risk with an online MBA in Risk Management from the University of Mount Saint Vincent. Prepare for career growth as you increase your leadership expertise to successfully manage in times of uncertainty.

Examine the methodology for anticipating and managing critical risks as you discover how to make informed decisions and implement effective strategies to prevent or minimize losses and counteract recurrence. In this online program, you will increase your knowledge of data analytics and utilize Excel to examine and perform various analyses. Learn to conduct in-depth reviews of financial statements and explore forensic accounting tools and techniques, including AI for auditing and blockchain. No GMAT is required, and you can continue to work full-time with this flexible online program.

As a graduate of this online MBA, you will be prepared to:

  • Understand the principles and economics of risk management
  • Apply and evaluate risk-management techniques and technologies to characteristics of uncertainty in an effort to reduce and/or transfer risk in an economically efficient manner
  • Utilize decision-making criteria and theories to analyze and address loss-related problems
  • Communicate risk-related dynamics, analyses, and solutions effectively, both orally and written
  • Evaluate different types of risk and decisions to predict potential outcomes
  • Understand the principles and economics of risk management
  • Apply and evaluate risk-management techniques and technologies to characteristics of uncertainty in an effort to reduce and/or transfer risk in an economically efficient manner
  • Utilize decision-making criteria and theories to analyze and address loss-related problems
  • Communicate risk-related dynamics, analyses, and solutions effectively, both orally and written
  • Evaluate different types of risk and decisions to predict potential outcomes

Career opportunities with our MBA in Risk Management:

  • Operations Risk Analyst
  • Market Risk Analyst
  • Credit Risk Analyst
  • Senior Credit Analyst
  • Risk Management Director
  • Operations Risk Analyst
  • Market Risk Analyst
  • Credit Risk Analyst
  • Senior Credit Analyst
  • Risk Management Director

Also available:

The Mount offers multiple MBA concentrations and graduate certificates. Explore all of our online MBA options.

Total Tuition $15,720
Program Duration As few as 12 months
Credit Hours 30*

*Students who do not have a business undergraduate degree may be required to take 6 credit hours of leveling courses.


AACSB accredited logo

Accreditation Body Long Curabitur lobortis enim ante, eu egestas dui consectetur et. Donec mollis, ante id tempus elementum, purus felis placerat nunc, vitae ultricies arcu nunc eu est. Suspendisse sit amet venenatis leo. Vestibulum tincidunt, ex ac blandit tincidunt, arcu nunc congue orci, non sodales nisi diam ut nulla.

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Ranked #1 in “Top Performers on Social Mobility” in U.S. News & World Report’s Regional Colleges in the North Rankings, 2025.


Invest in a quality online program that lets you pay as you go

At the University of Mount Saint Vincent, we are committed to providing a high-quality education for less than you would expect. Tuition for the MBA in Risk Management is affordable and can easily fit into your budget.

Tuition Breakdown

Per Credit Hour $524
Total Tuition $15,720


Find the schedule for your online MBA in Risk Management

The MBA in Risk Management is designed with working adults in mind. We offer multiple start dates and faster course completion time to help you earn your degree when it’s convenient for you.

TermStart DateApp DeadlineDocument DeadlineRegistration DeadlineTuition DeadlineClass End DateTerm Length
Spring 23/24/253/12/253/16/253/20/253/21/255/11/257 weeks
Summer 15/19/254/22/254/22/254/28/255/15/257/6/257 weeks
Summer 27/14/256/2/256/2/256/9/257/1/258/31/257 weeks

Now Enrolling

Apply By 4/22/25
Start Class 5/19/25

Ready to take the rewarding path toward earning your degree online?

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Know what you need to apply to the online risk management MBA

The streamlined admission process at the University of Mount Saint Vincent makes it easier to apply and helps you start your academic journey faster. Please read the full admission requirements for the MBA in Risk Management.

Admission Requirements

  • No GMAT required
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution
  • GPA of 2.75 or higher

You must meet the following requirements for admission to the MBA in Risk Management online program:

  • Submit online application
  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  • Undergraduate GPA of 2.75 and above on a 4.0 scale
    • Students with a GPA below 2.75 will be reviewed for acceptance by submitting a three-paragraph statement of purpose addressing the following three questions:
      1. What is your current position and what has your career progression been since you graduated from college?
      2. Have you taken any advanced training courses or earned any certificates to enhance your skills in order to better function within your current position? If so, describe those areas of study. Please be sure to include any professional seminars you may have attended or presented.
      3. Why do you wish to pursue your MBA degree? How do you hope to benefit from earning this degree?

Official transcripts and other documents should be sent from the granting institutions to our Office of Admissions.

Email address:

Mail address:
Office of Admission
University of Mount Saint Vincent
6301 Riverdale Avenue
Riverdale, NY 10471

Admission Requirements

  • No GMAT required
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution
  • GPA of 2.75 or higher


Explore the courses for your risk management master’s online program

For the MBA in Risk Management online, the curriculum comprises four core courses and six concentration courses for a total of 30 credit hours. Students without an undergraduate degree in business may need up to 6 additional credit hours.

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines information technology related business risk management and the methodology that includes risk identification, evaluation and response. The course describes the principles of information technology risk management, the responsibilities and accountability for information technology risk, how to build risk awareness, and how to communicate risk scenarios, business impact and key risk indicators. Included in the course is the opportunity to create a business focused, process oriented and measurement driven risk response plan. This course provides a solid foundation for identifying and managing risks through an established process which incorporates cross functional disciplines as well as the design and implementation of efficient but effective internal controls. The course will address all five components of the COSO Framework for evaluating internal controls, namely: the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and ongoing monitoring activities. The skills acquired in this course will enable students to assist businesses in identifying and mitigating critical risks.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is an introduction to Business Analytics. It covers managerial statistical tools in descriptive analytics and predictive analytics, including regression. Other topics covered include forecasting, risk analysis, simulation, and data mining, and decision analysis. This course provides students with the fundamental concepts and tools needed to understand the emerging role of business analytics in organizations and shows students how to apply basic business analytics tools in a spreadsheet environment, and how to communicate with analytics professionals to effectively use and interpret analytic models and results for making better business decisions. Emphasis is placed on applications, concepts and interpretation of results, rather than theory and calculations. Students use a computer software package for data analysis.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Use of Forensic Accounting tools and techniques to review detail transactions to identify control weaknesses and potentially fraudulent activities. Application of IT general computer and application controls to prevent control weaknesses and mitigate risk. Introduction and application of auditing technology (e.g., Data Analytics / Visualization, RPA, AI and Blockchain). Use of system risk monitoring processes and tools. The course also introduces the many professional opportunities available to forensic accountants. Students enrolling in this graduate course should have a thorough understanding of the business transaction cycle and, at a minimum, a background in both financial accounting and auditing, obtained through either prior course work or professional experience.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Professionals in the business world are often required to perform an in-depth financial review and analysis of a company’s financial statements. Independent study allows the student to explore a topic of interest under the close supervision of a faculty member. The course will include directed readings, applied work, performing a financial analysis of a company, including: trend analysis, fluctuation analysis, and ratio analysis. This project will require the student to review all financial information available for the company to be found in the 10K, Annual Report, Stock Market Company and Industry Research Reports, news releases and other information to be found on their website and other SEC Reports. Eventually, in this course, students have the opportunity to review, grasp, and learn the advanced tools such as various models on financial distress and earning manipulation prediction.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Insurance is an integral tool for the management of risk. The appropriate and efficient transfer of risk enables individuals and businesses to focus reducing downside exposure within budgetary limits. This course is designed to introduce the student to the insurance industry, the economics, regulations, contracts and functions of insurance. Topics covered will also include life, health, and individual and commercial property & casualty insurance. Attention will also be paid to employee benefits, Social Security, and annuities.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Globalization and international trade have contributed to economic growth, while also tying together economies of many countries. Recent financial and economic crises have also brought to light the potential downside of such integration. This course is a study of globalization, trade, and the logistics of inventory management and product delivery. This course is designed to introduce the student to theory and application of logistics and supply-chain management, including a focus on risk management. Topics covered will include trade, supply chains, transport & international freight flows, inventory management, warehousing, sustainability and managing vulnerabilities.

These courses can be waived for applicants with an undergraduate degree in Business.

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This provides a summary or overview of three of the core subjects associated with a program of study in Business: Accounting, Finance and Economics. The course provides a comprehensive review of the foundational material associated with an undergraduate business degree program. The three leveling courses ensure that students are leveled to the program of study as they start the MBA degree program. This course is completed by entering MBA students holding a bachelor's degree in a non-business field.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This provides a summary or overview of three of the core subjects associated with a program of study in Management, Human Resources Management and Business Law. The course provides a comprehensive review of the foundational material associated with an undergraduate business degree program. The three leveling courses ensure that students are leveled to the program of study as they start the MBA degree program. This course is completed by entering MBA students holding a bachelor's degree in a non-business field.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 2
This provides a summary or overview of two of the core subjects associated with a program of study in Business: Marketing and the Management of Information Systems. The course provides a comprehensive review of the foundational material associated with an undergraduate business degree program. The three leveling courses ensure that students are leveled to the program of study as they start the MBA degree program. This course is completed by entering MBA students holding a bachelor's degree in a non-business field.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Data Analysis and Modeling is an exciting field in today’s dynamic, competitive world. Business managers deal with large amounts of data and information. A unifying element of the course is the use of Excel to perform various analyses in a spread sheet environment. In this course, students develop skills in using Excel to examine and report data. Students will be able to make strategic decisions using various concepts, methods, and quantitative tools in the field of data analysis and modeling.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
In a globalized era, management executives need to understand the role of operations function and its impact on competitiveness. This course provides an understanding of manufacturing and service operations and their role in the organization. Students will learn how organizations effectively organize and manage the resources in producing goods or services that satisfy customer requirements. In addition, this course focuses on informed decision making using specific analytical tools. The course covers topics such a process flow analysis, project management, supply chain management, capacity planning, facilities location, total quality management, materials management, scheduling and quality control, manufacturing and service strategy, inventory management and forecasting.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is intended as a capstone course in the MBA program, integrating the various courses in the curriculum as the learning accomplished through the core courses and the electives in the student’s area of concentration are applied to the process of strategy formation and case review. As students study the process of strategic management, they will focus on the tasks of crafting, implementing, and executing an organization’s strategy. Strategy is grounded in the array of competitive moves and business approaches management depends on to produce successful performance. The study of strategy, then, considers management’s game plan for strengthening the organization’s position, pleasing its customers, and achieving performance targets. Students will learn how managers devise strategies to guide how the company’s business will be conducted and to help them make reasoned, cohesive choices among alternative courses of action.
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
This course is intended as a vehicle for producing students who will be comfortable and effective in a worldwide marketplace. Today, all students—even those who will never have an overseas assignment—need to be knowledgeable about the global economy. Students must develop cultural literacy in international business. As a business professional they must be able to talk knowledgeably with a visiting executive from a French multinational corporation, or understand and analyze the impact on themselves and their firm of trade negotiations with Japan, devaluation of the Mexican peso, economic growth in China or Brazil, or the collapse of a British bank. It is the purpose of this course to provide such a foundation for future managers who must function in a global competitive environment (3 credits).

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